How to add ribbon to a needlepoint project



Let’s add a ribbon bow to this needlepoint project

1. Thread the short ribbon on your Chenille needle. We love using this needle because the head is a great size for ribbons and the tip is very sharp for piercing the ribbon.

2. Do a simple tent stitch at the center of the bow, leaving a tail in the back.

3. Turn project over. Pierce the tail of the ribbon with the needle to secure the stitch and pull taut.

4. Prepare your two longer ribbons to be used for the bow itself.

5. Put the needle through the top of the canvas on either side of your tent stitch from before.

6. Tie your bow.

7. Using your beading thread and needle, start to secure the ribbon as desired.

8. Trim the tails of your bow.

9. Thread the ribbon on the back of the canvas through your chenille needle.

10. Come back up the canvas at the top of the knot in the bow and down at the bottom of the knot. 

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